It's All Good Here ~ We create Hope with Words to bring out the "BLESSED" in you!

Your Nothing Is His Something

I am the vine, you are the branches, He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. JOHN 15:5

Ever felt like you’ve been stuck in a rut? Recently we had a snow storm so I’m sure someone can relate to this. You know when your driving and all of a sudden you get stuck and can’t get out of the spot you’re in. Your just sitting there giving the car gas, backing up, going forward, yet getting no where. Spinning your wheels and sometimes digging yourself in deeper.

I kinda felt that way this morning. I haven’t written anything in a while, but this morning I could feel something stirring. So I got up and began writing in my journal, talking with the Lord about something I needed to do at work. I thought, Lord how can I do this when sometimes its hard to it for myself…*crickets chirping here*…No answer…silence. sometimes that can be so frustrating. I am sitting here waiting for this “AH HA” moment and NOTHING!

A friend of mine was texting me and I was telling her about my frustrations and she replied back with these word, “Your Nothing is His Something” and I heard it, “THE VOICE behind the voice!That was my AH HA moment. Then it all began to flow.

I had been stuck in this rut for a while. The definition of rut is, a behavior or pattern that has become dull or unproductive, but is hard to change. A low spot, ditch or pit, a pattern you can’t escape. Or can you? Often when we are stuck we can’t seem to find any way out of the situation and sometimes we even panic because of that. A lot of times all we have to do is stop and change our perception of the situation.

Sometimes to get out of a rut, you have to change the terrain, by that I mean, do something to give yourself some traction. In other words, change what you or doing, or how you are perceiving the situation. I was looking at my situation as if I had not been making any progress, as if there was nothing I could do to really gain any ground. When in reality my, Nothing is actually, HIS something. Just because I cant see it doesn’t mean change isn’t taking place. It doesn’t mean I am not making progress. I just needed to change the way I was looking at what I need to do in order to get out of the rut.

Sometimes in order to get out of a rut you may have to use what you have to pull yourself out. Sometimes people use a piece of wood or cardboard under their tires to change the terrain and gain some traction. So what do you have that you can use to change your terrain? For me, with my situation I need to use my story, my words, and my voice. Often God will use what we already have in our midst, but because we are so focused on the problem we cant see what is right in front of our faces. Whether its, an idea, a phone call, or change in perspective, our nothing is  always HIS something.

Ask God to show you today what HIS Something is for your situation.


I thank You for an ear to hear Your Voice when You speak. May everyone who reads this  today experience the same thing.

In Jesus Name


Vrooooom vroooom….IM OUT!


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Stay Calm


You have probably seen the “keep calm” pictures on Facebook, Instagram and other social media. What does it really mean? If you type the phrase into Google, you will find that the slogan goes all the way back to World War II. It was introduced as a British public safety poster to strengthen morale during wartime. However, for me, the saying has a spiritual connotation.

One of my favorite past times while reading my Bible is breaking down scriptures into simplicity to help me apply it to my life. Actually prior to doing a little background on the slogan, I searched out calmness in my Bible.

At the time of this particular Bible study, I was struggling with a personal relationship with another believer. As I grow older, it bothers me how people believe they are justified in their critical, condescending, and judgmental natures about other Christians. Let’s be real- women can be especially prideful and belittling in this manner toward other women. I am guilty of being on the receiving end of this teaching by the example set within the church!

I have now come to believe that God is not pleased with this nature. It is truly ungodly and it is confirmed in Romans 14:10-12 MSG, “So where does that leave you when you criticize a brother? And where does that leave you when you condescend to a sister? I’d say it leaves you looking pretty silly—or worse. Eventually, we’re all going to end up kneeling side by side in the place of judgment, facing God. Your critical and condescending ways aren’t going to improve your position there one bit. Read it for yourself in Scripture: “As I live and breathe,” God says, “every knee will bow before me; Every tongue will tell the honest truth that I and only I am God.” So tend to your knitting. You’ve got your hands full just taking care of your own life before God.”

In my nature to fight for what I believe, I was tempted to continue my quest to be heard. But, God said no. As in any war, including the spiritual battle, there has to be a period of silence. He led me to one very valuable scripture in Exodus 14:14 NLT, “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

The word “calm” reminded me of the keep calm pictures online. Although entertaining, they have a point. Calm is defined as freedom from agitation, excitement, or passion. It is further defined as absence of motion or animation, to remain still or near still. Being calm is staying at peace, in a resting position, and remaining harmonious. The call of this scripture is to stay in sync with God despite the issues going on-He has got this.

The bottom line is that when people, even church folk, are putting you down, acting holier than thou, and passing judgment, stay calm. That person has to answer to God and that mentality will not get them very far. Not to mention, staying calm is a biblical command from God. It is confirmation that he will fight for you.

He promises that those who judge will be judged: Matthew 7:1-5 MSG, “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.”

We do not have to do anything when people judge us. It is hard lesson to learn but God is a better teacher than we could ever be on this topic. Keep praying that eyes, ears, and hearts are open to seeing and repenting of this nature. Meanwhile, the Lord continues to fight for you- just stay calm.

Prayer Starter

My dearest Lord! You are so compassionate with us even when we fail You. We ask forgiveness for the stiff-neck and obstinate ways about us that are offensive to you. Forgive us for being so troubled in our character that we cause other people to stumble into unbelief. We are often unaware of our own blindness, but You see it all. You provide correction, direction, and an escape.

We pray that we will adhere to your command to stay calm in the mist of trouble that we encounter in any shape or form. We all will answer to you eventually. Let our goal be to lift each other up and encourage one another daily as your scripture further commands us to do (Hebrews 3:13). In the precious name of Jesus we pray- AMEN!



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It's All Good Here ~ We create Hope with Words to bring out the "BLESSED" in you!


This is a story expressed through multiple forms of poetry.


Empowering Souls